Before opening a new inquiry, please check our FAQ lists for the instant answer
You can quickly find answers to your questions.
1. 3D Printing
1-1.Can I paint directly on the output product?
1-2.What is the difference between translucent processing and transparent processing of transparent resin?
1-3.Can I 3D print using my own material?
2. CNC
2-1.What should I do if I want to add tapping (threading) to a part?
2-2.What is the R-value?
2-3.I want to apply precision tolerances. How can I do that?
2-4.Can I send you an already machined item for additional machining?
2-5. I want to use a specific material, but I don't see the corresponding material on the quote page.
2-6.Can I check the CNC machining quote if I only have a 2D drawing?
3. Payment/Refund
3-1.Notice of Receipt/Transaction Statement Issuance
3-2.Tax Invoice Issuance Notice
3-3.Post-payment/Installment Payment Notice
3-4.Order Cancellation Notice
4. Shipping
4-1.Is the estimated arrival date accurate?
4-2.Estimated Delivery Date Notice
4-3.Delivery Progress Notice
5. How to use Creallo
5-1.Can I purchase or rent 3D printers and materials?
5-2.There was a defect or damage.
5-3.Information on Paintable Colors and Painting Quotes
5-4.I'm curious about the meaning of the AI/expert model review results.
5-5.What is the additional cost (minimum order amount)?
5-6.Is it possible to get a quote without a 3D model?
5-7.Can I visit and see the production process in person?
5-8.Business Hours and Consultation Availability